150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (2024)

If you’re looking for some good Spanish captions for Instagram with translation, we’re here to help!

With all the changes on Instagram lately, it can be a challenge to figure out what to write and how long captions should be. Not to mention adding the perfect Instagram captions in Spanishwhether it’s your first language or not!

Fortunately, you’ve come to the “write” place! In my role as a digital marketer for a major brand, I’ve written thousands of click-worthy social posts. Plus, I’m a former Spanish teacher!

Check out this list of 150+ best Spanish Instagram captions that you can model no matter what you’re trying to describe — cute Spanish captions, short Spanish captions, captions from Spanish songs, and more!

I’ve even included the English translation for each Spanish caption.


150+ Best Instagram Captions in Spanish w/English Translation

Ready for the list of the best Spanish Instagram captions? Scroll down to quickly find Instagram captions in Spanish with English translation, separated into popular categories!

Cute Spanish Captions for Instagram

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (1)

Whether you’re posting an adorable photo of your kitten, your baby nephew, or just out to appreciate the world around you, you’ll need some cute captions for IG.

These cute captions for Instagram in Spanish are perfect for describing all of these situations.

Scroll to find the best cute captions in Spanish for your sweet photo!

1. Detenerme para oler las rosas es una de mis actividades favoritas, no solo por la fragancia, sino también porque me recuerda que debo tomarme un momento y apreciar mi entorno
— Stopping to smell the roses is one of my favorite activities, not just for the fragrance, but also because it reminds me to take a moment and appreciate my surroundings

2. ¿Quién dijo que ser linda es un crimen?
— Who said being cute is a crime?

3. ¡Siempre es un buen día para algo de ternura!
— It’s always a good day for some cuteness!

4. Siempre sonríe, aunque estés triste
— Smile always, even if you’re sad

5. Tu sonrisa es la luz que ilumina mi camino
— Your smile is the light that illuminates my path

6. El sol es la mejor medicina
— Sun is the best medicine

7. Busca la magia en cada momento
— Look for the magic in every moment

8. Es el momento de encontrar tu lugar en este mundo
— It’s time to find your place in this world

9. Se puede encender miles de velas con una sola vela
— Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle

10. Lo que es para ti siempre te encuentra
— What is for you always finds you

Short Spanish Captions for Instagram

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (2)

Sometimes you don’t need much text to add your Instagram photo. After all, they say a picture is worth a thousand words! A short, simple IG caption can actually be just as engaging — more — engaging than a long one.

If you are looking for some ideas, check out the short captions in Spanish, below.

11. De nada
—You’re welcome

12. Pero primero, café
— But first, coffee

13. Pequeños momentos, grandes recuerdos
— Little moments, big memories

14. Salvaje y libre
— Wild and free

15. Sin palabras
— Speechless

16. Dejé mi corazón aquí
— I left my heart here

17. Lo que es para ti siempre te encuentra
— What’s for you always finds you

18. Conoce tu valor
— Know your worth

19. Ahora o nunca
— Now or never

20. Sueña en grande
— Dream big

Sassy Spanish Captions for Instagram

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (3)

Sometimes, you just want to add a little sass to your captions (or Instagram bio) to show your adventurous side.

Let’s be honest — nothing shows your personality more than when you’re 100% yourself. Whether you’re looking for sassy, savage, or baddie Spanish captions, just be yourself!

Scroll through the best sassy captions in Spanish for Instagram. Then, just copy & paste onto your next IG photo!

21. ¡Cuando la vida me lanza una curva, estoy listo/a para golpear fuera del parque!
— When life throws me a curveball, I’m ready to hit it out of the park!

22. Es hora de dar un salto de fe
— It’s time to take a leap of faith

23. ¿Cayó? Levantarse. ¿Retrasar? Empujar hacia adelante.
— Fell down? Get up. Setback? Push forward.

24. La vida no es todo fácil, ¡pero estoy aquí para el viaje!
— Life isn’t all smooth sailing, but I’m here for the ride!

25. Abrazando cada giro y vuelta
— Embracing every twist and turn

26. ¡Adelante, mundo, porque estoy listo/a para asumirlo todo!
— Bring it on, world, ’cause I’m ready to take it all on!

27. Tu pasado no define tu futuro
— Your past doesn’t define your future

28. Imparable
— Unstoppable

29. Mi vida, mis reglas
— My life, my rules

30. Nadie es perfecta, pero estoy cerca
— Nobody’s perfect, but I’m close

Funny Spanish Captions for Instagram

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (4)

With users being inundated with content these days, you’ve got to come up with some creative spins to stand out from the crowd.

Why not make your followers laugh with funny pictures with Spanish captions?

Keep scrolling for funny Spanish picture quotes!

31. ¡Si la vida es una montaña rusa, seré yo quien grite más fuerte que los demás!
— If life is a roller coaster, I’m gonna be the one screaming louder than everyone else!

32. Es la vida, ¡donde puedes planificar todo y nada sale según lo planeado!
— It’s life, where you can plan for everything and nothing goes as planned!

33. ¡Si la vida te da limones, hazte unas margaritas! ¡Saludos a vivir tu mejor vida!
— If life gives you lemons, make some margaritas! Cheers to living your best life!

34. El pastel es la respuesta, no importa la pregunta
— Cake is the answer, no matter the question

35. Algunas veces finjo ser normal, pero me aburro y vuelvo a ser yo mismo
— (Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but I get bored and go back to being myself)

36. No confíes en todo lo que ves, incluso la sal puede parecer azúcar
— Don’t trust everything you see, even salt can look like sugar

37. Puede parecer que no estoy haciendo nada, pero en mi mente estoy bastante ocupado
— It may look like I’m not doing anything, but in my mind I’m pretty busy

38. No me importa lo que digan, yo seguiré bailando
— I don’t care what they say, I’ll keep dancing

39. Los extraterrestres no existen, pero los unicornios sí
— Extraterrestrial life doesn’t exist, but unicorns do

40. La vida es corta, acéptalo
— Life is short, deal with it

One Word Spanish Captions for Instagram

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (5)

If you want the photo to speak for itself, try one word captions in Spanish.

Because, sometimes a word is all you need to make a powerful statement.

Boost your caption in Spanish with a few appropriate emojis, too! Or, use these Spanish captions for your Instagram bio.

Here are some powerful one word Spanish Instagram captions.

41. Aventuras
— Adventures

42. ¡Vamos!
— Let’s go!

43. Bendecido/a
— Blessed

44. Maravilloso/a
— Dreamy

45. Inspirada
— Inspired

46. Inolvidable
— Unforgettable

47. Siempre
— Forever

48. Valiente
— Fearless

49. Guapa
— Pretty woman

50. Momentos
— Moments

Spanish Captions for Instagram from Songs

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (6)

Just like lyrics in English, Spanish lyrics can be used as inspiring Instagram captions. Choosing some thoughtful Spanish quotes from songs can help you express what you’re feeling while celebrating Spanish music!

Funny Spanish song lyrics work well, too.

Following are a few of the best Spanish song lyrics for your Spanish IG captions.

51. Voy a reír, voy a bailar. Vivir mi vida lalalalá.
— I am going to laugh, I am going to dance. Live my life lalalala.

52. Que cambia la vida, miraste hacia aquí
What a life change, looking here

53. Y la vida siguió, como siguen las cosas que no tienen mucho sentido
— And life went on, as things that don’t make much sense

54. A Dios le pido
— To God I pray/ask

55. Lleva, llévame en tu bicicleta
— Take, take me on your bike

56. Por ti me estoy quedando sin motivos para llorar
— Because of you, I’m running out of reasons to cry

57. Regálame tu estrella, la que ilumina esta noche llena de paz y de armonía, y te entregaré mi vida
— Give me your star, the one that lights up this night full of peace and harmony, and I will hand you my life

58. No dejes que el mundo entre afuera, no dejes pasar un momento, nada puede detenernos esta noche
— Don’t let the world in outside, don’t let a moment go by, nothing can stop us tonight

59. Yo no te pido la luna, tan solo quiero amarte
— I’m not asking you for the moon, I just want to love you

60. Quería decirte, como te he dicho otras veces. Que pase lo que pase, estoy aquí
— I wanted to tell you, as I have told you other times. That no matter what happens, I’m here

Famous Spanish Quotes for Instagram

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (7)

For some reason, reading a good quote helps us put our finger on exactly what we’re feeling or thinking.

Oftentimes, a positive attitude helps get us into the frame of mind that “good things happen” (“cosas buenas suceden”) when we stay positive and put our mind to them!

So, whether it’s your own quotes or famous quotes in the Spanish language, these words will surely motivate and inspire when used as captions in Spanish for Instagram!

61. “Si quieres el arcoíris, tienes que aguantar la lluvia.” – Dolly Parton
— “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”

62. “Escribo para saber lo que estoy pensando.” – Julia Alvarez
— “I write to find out what I am thinking.”

63. “Vaya con confianza en la dirección de sus sueños.” – Henry David Thoreau
— “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.”

64. “La vida es simple, pero insistimos en hacerla complicada.” – Confusio
— “Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

65. “Enamórate de ti, de la vida y luego de quien tú quieras.” – Frida Kahlo
— “Fall in love with yourself, with life, and then with whoever you want.”

66. “Los libros son espejos: solo ves en ellos lo que ya tienes dentro de ti.” – Carlos Ruiz Zafón
— “Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.”

67. “El único viaje imposible es el que nunca comienzas.” -Tony Robbins
— “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.”

68. “Te quiero no solo por como eres, sino por como soy yo cuando estoy contigo.” – Gabriel García Márquez
— “I love you not only because of the way you are, but because of how I am when I’m with you.”

69. “No cuentes los días, haz que los días cuenten.” – Muhammad Ali
— “Don’t count the days, make the days count.”

70. “No hay libro tan malo… que no tenga algo bueno.” – Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
— “There is no book so bad…that it does not have something good in it.”

Couple Spanish Captions for Instagram

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (8)

Whether you’ve just done a couple’s photoshoot with a professional or just want to show people how much you love your significant other, some romantic Spanish captions are just what you need to augment your Instagram photos!

(Of course, you could also use some heartbroken quotes in Spanish to express the loss of love, too.)

We have put together a list of the best Spanish Instagram captions for couples to say, “I love you” in Spanish with a cute picture.

71. Enamorarse no es algo que planeas, es algo que sucede
— Falling in love isn’t something you plan, it’s something that happens

72. Juntos es un lugar maravilloso para estar
— Together is a wonderful place to be

73. Amar a alguien significa demostrar que te importa, no solo decirlo
— Loving someone means showing you care, not just saying it

74. Besarte es como ver las estrellas
— To kiss you is like seeing stars

75. El amor no tiene que ser perfecto, solo tiene que ser real
— Love doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be real

76. Enamorarse es lo más hermoso de la vida… es como las estrellas que caen del cielo y hacen realidad un deseo
— Falling in love is the most beautiful thing in life… it’s like stars falling from the sky and making a wish come true

77. Nunca un momento aburrido juntos
— Never a dull moment together

78. ¡El amor es encontrar a alguien que te comprenda y te aprecie exactamente por lo que eres!— Love is finding someone who understands and appreciates you for exactly who you are!

79. El amor es como un cálido abrazo en un frío día de invierno. ¡Nada se compara con estar envuelto en los brazos de alguien a quien amas!
— Love is like a warm hug on a cold winter day. Nothing quite compares to being wrapped up in the arms of someone you love!

80. Amandote desde [fecha del aniversario]
— Loving you since [anniversary date]

Spanish Captions for Instagram Selfies

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (9)

We’ve all been there — having just shot a cool Instagram photo, but unsure what selfie caption in Spanish (or any language!) to say along with it.

Whether you want to show a funny photo in Spanish, are sad, or are showing off your outfit, a good caption can help to express what you’re thinking or feeling alongside your photo.

Try these Spanish captions for selfies for any situation!

81. Abrazando cada cosa que me hace único
— Embracing every single thing that makes me unique

82. Puede que no sea perfecto, pero soy perfectamente yo
— I may not be perfect, but I’m perfectly me

83. No es vanidad amarte a ti mismo, es una necesidad
— It’s not vanity to love yourself, it’s a necessity

84. Finalmente aprender a amar quien soy y no dejar que nadie más me diga lo contrario
— Finally learning to love who I am and not let anyone else tell me any differently

85. La confianza es mi superpoder
— Confidence is my superpower

86. La vida es demasiado corta para preocuparse por encajar
— Life is too short to worry about fitting in

87. Sigamos sonriendo a través de todos los altibajos de la vida. ¡Nunca se sabe qué aventura está a la vuelta de la esquina!
— Let’s keep smiling through all of life’s highs and lows. You never know what adventure is around the corner!

88. ¡Encuentra la belleza en el viaje y nunca apagues tu brillo!
— Find beauty in the journey and never dim your sparkle!

89. No dejes que la opinión de nadie sobre ti defina quién eres: tienes el poder de dar forma a tu historia
— Don’t let anyone’s opinion of you define who you are: you have the power to shape your story

90. Dulce como la miel
— Sweet like honey

Spanish Instagram Captions for Girls

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (10)

While some girls share personal content on social apps, others use social media to market their online businesses — often sharing experiences, products, and courses with other ladies.

By the way, you can use these captions for Facebook posts in Spanish, too. If your demographic (age group) hangs out on Facebook, you could be missing out on the opportunity to share content if you’re skipping posting on FB!

No matter what you use the apps for (or which apps you use), these Spanish captions for girls are a powerful way to describe your unique experience as a woman.

91. ¡Sigamos empoderándonos unos a otros para alcanzar nuestro máximo potencial! — Let’s keep empowering each other to reach our fullest potential!

92. Las mujeres que invierten en sí mismas van más allá
— Women who invest in themselves go further

93. Cuando no puedas encontrar la luz del sol, sé la luz del sol
— When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine

94. Tenemos posibilidades ilimitadas por delante si solo confiamos en nuestra propia fuerza
— We have limitless possibilities ahead if we just trust our own strength

95. Abrazando todas las partes hermosas y profundas de mí mismo que me hacen único
— Embracing all the deep, beautiful parts of myself that make me unique

96. Los amigos van y vienen, ¡pero los verdaderos se quedarán contigo para siempre! Etiqueta a tus amigas que siempre te apoyan
— Friends come and go but the true ones will stick with you forever! Tag your girlfriends who always have your back

97. Sea su propio tipo de belleza
— Be your own kind of beautiful

98. Azúcar y especias y todo lo bueno
— Sugar and spice and everything nice

99. Ella tiene fuego en su alma y gracia en su corazón
— She has a fire in her soul and grace in her heart

100. La vida es corta, lleva zapatos lindos
— Life is short, wear cute shoes

Spanish Instagram Captions for Guys

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (11)

Although women are the primary users of social media, guys use it too to show off their businesses and lives!

If you’re looking for some cool Instagram captions in Spanish ideas to describe your workout session, entrepreneurship, or leadership, dive deep into the following list of Spanish Instagram captions for guys.

101. Atrévete a ser diferente y asegúrate de ser siempre fiel a ti mismo
— Dare to be different and make sure you always stay true to yourself

102. Es hora de hacerse cargo de su destino y ser el líder que nació para ser
— It’s time to take charge of your destiny and be the leader you were born to be

103. Invierte el ahora en el sueño del mañana
— Invest the now in tomorrow’s dream

104. Haz lo correcto, no lo que sea fácil
— Do what is right, not what is easy

105. No tengo miedo de defender lo que creo
— I’m not afraid to stand up for what I believe in

106. De pie y abrazando todo lo que soy – ¡así es como vivo mi vida y no lo cambiaría por nada del mundo!
— Standing tall and embracing all that I am – it’s how I live my life and I wouldn’t change it for the world!

107. Más vale vivir un día como león que mil días como cordero
— It is better to live one day as a lion than a thousand days as a lamb

108. ¡Empieza a sudar y haz que la sangre bombee! ¡Hagámoslo realidad, amigos! — Break a sweat and get that blood pumpin’! Let’s make it happen, fellas!

109. Los chicos tienen arrogancia, los hombres tienen estilo, pero los caballeros tienen clase
— Boys got swagger, men have style, but gentlemen have class

110. ¡Es hora de comenzar la semana llevando mi rutina de ejercicios al siguiente nivel!
— Time to kickstart the week by taking my workout routine to the next level!

Instagram Travel Captions in Spanish

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (12)

Wherever you’re fortunate to travel to this year — European cities or off-the-beaten-path — you’re going to need some Spanish captions for pictures to describe what you did and saw on your trip.

Have a look at the following list of Spanish captions for Instagram about travel to draw some attention to your most recent vacation pics.

111. Dicen que viajar amplía la mente, ¡también es la mejor manera de ampliar tus horizontes
— They say travel broadens the mind – it’s also the best way to broaden your horizons

112. Abróchense los cinturones, ¡nos embarcamos en un viaje alrededor del mundo!
— Buckle your seatbelts, we’re taking off on a journey around the world!

113. Deja que viajar sea tu maestro
— Let travel be your teacher

114. ¡A veces, la única forma de reiniciar es salir a la carretera y explorar!
— Sometimes, the only way to reset is to hit the road and explore!

115. Un camino abierto y una mente abierta
— An open road and an open mind

116. ¡Que el viaje de la vida se desarrolle con cada nuevo destino!
— Let the journey of life unfold with every new destination!

117. Exploremos el mundo y creemos recuerdos que durarán toda la vida
— Let’s explore the world and create memories that will last a lifetime

118. ¡Preparado, listo, explora!
— Ready, set, explore!

119. Tome solo fotografías, deje solo huellas
— Take only pictures, leave only footprints

120. ¡Listo/a para explorar la belleza de [país]! Tengo ganas de ver qué maravillosos recuerdos esperan.
— Ready to explore the beauty of [country]! Can’t wait to see what wonderful memories await.

Beach Captions in Spanish

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (13)

You’ve got sun on your face, sand between your toes, and salt in your hair. Of course, this scenario makes for some great beach photos!

Now, all you need are the perfect beach captions for Insta in Spanish to share.

This collection of witty, beachy captions for pictures in Spanish will take your already fantastic summer in Spain photos to a whole new level!

121. ¡Listo para un poco de arena, mar y sangría!
— Ready for some serious sand, sea and sangria!

122. La vida te lleva por muchos caminos, pero los mejores llevan a la playa
— Life takes you down many paths, but the best ones lead to the beach

123. Tomando el sol del Mediterráneo
— Soaking up the Mediterranean sun

124. ¡Listo para una escapada llena de sol a España! ¿Quien está conmigo?
— Ready for a sun-filled escape to Spain! Who’s with me?

125. Abriendo los dedos de los pies en la arena y disfrutando de las vistas al océano
— Spreading my toes in the sand and taking in the ocean views

126. ¡Deja que el mar se lleve tus preocupaciones!
— Let the sea wash your worries away!

127. Tú, yo y el mar
— You, me, and the sea

128. Listo para ponerme arena en los dedos de los pies en la costa española
— Ready to get my toes sandy on the Spanish coast

129. Deja que tus preocupaciones se alejen con la marea
— Let your cares drift away with the tide

130. ¿Quién necesita un pasaporte cuando tienes una silla de playa?
— Who needs a passport when you have a beach chair?

Instagram Spanish Captions for Spain

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (14)

One of the most-visited countries in the world, it’s hard not to take amazing photos in breathtaking España. Spain is not only known for its amazing beaches, but for its rich culture and history found in its architecture, food, and language!

In this section, find some excellent captions in Spanish with meaning to describe your Spain vacation, and list them along with the names of your favorite destinations!

131. ¡La belleza, la cultura y la aventura te esperan!
— Beauty, culture, and adventure awaits!

132. ¡Listo para tomar mi dosis de sangría y explorar las increíbles vistas de España!
— Ready to get my sangria fix and explore the incredible sights of Spain!

133. ¡Sigue mi viaje a España, mientras exploro sus hermosas vistas, me deleito con su deliciosa comida y me empapa de su vibrante cultura!
— Follow my journey to Spain, as I explore its beautiful sights, indulge in its delicious food, and soak up its vibrant culture!

134. ¿Quién más está listo para subirse a un avión y explorar las increíbles vistas de España?
— Who else is ready to hop on a plane and explore the incredible sights of Spain?

135. ¡Preparado/a para explorar todos los rincones de España!
— Ready to explore every corner of Spain!

Get inspired with more quotes on Spain that you can use for social media!

136. ¿Listo para probar España?
— Ready for a taste of Spain?

137. ¡España, soy tuyo!
— Spain, I’m yours!

138. Buenos días de España
— Good morning from Spain

139. España, el país que amo
— Spain, the country I love

140. España siempre es una buena idea
— Spain is always a good idea

Celebration Captions for Instagram in Spanish

150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (15)

Whether you’re looking for Happy Birthday quotes in Spanish for a friend, want to announce your new job, or are graduating, you’ll need some Spanish captions to express your excitement!

Below you’ll see our favorite Spanish captions about celebrations for your Instagram feed.

141. A los recuerdos creados y los que aún están por venir
— Here’s to the memories made and the ones yet to come

142. Aprovéchalo al máximo y deja que tu corazón brille de alegría
— Make the most of it and let your heart shine with joy

143. A otro año de diversión, risas y mucho pastel
— Here’s to another year of fun, laughter, and lots of cake

144. Saludos a otro año alrededor del sol
— Cheers to another year around the sun

145. ¡El tiempo puede volar, pero eso no significa que no podamos envejecer con gracia! A más cumpleaños y más sabiduría.
— Time may fly, but that doesn’t mean we can’t age gracefully! Here’s to more birthdays and more wisdom.

146. La edad no es nada más que un número
— Age is nothing but a number

147. ¡No se trata de la edad, se trata de la experiencia! ¡Por más lecciones de vida y más sabiduría a medida que envejezco!
— “It’s not about age, it’s about experience! Here’s to more life lessons and more wisdom as I get older!

148. Nada puede detenerme este año
— Nothing can stop me this year

149. Es hora de dar el siguiente paso hacia lo que se avecina. ¡Me siento emocionado y listo para nuevas aventuras!
— Time to take the next step into what lies ahead. Feeling excited and ready for new adventures!

150. ¡Felicidades graduados! Hemos superado los años de arduo trabajo y ahora es el momento de celebrar.
— Congrats grads! We’ve made it through the years of hard work and now it’s time to celebrate.

Is using Spanish captions on Insta worth it?

There you have it — 150+ good Instagram captions in Spanish with meaning!

I hope you are able to take lots of inspiration to describe your photos on Instagram with the perfect Spanish captions for Instagram posts.

Whether it’s a caption about love, a funny caption in Spanish, one word Instagram captions in Spanish, or anything else on this list, these IG captions in Spanish are sure to boost your engagement on the app!

By the way, feel free to use these captions in Spanish for IG in your Instagram bio or to write Facebook posts in Spanish, too!

Whatever you do, have fun practicing your Spanish online!

More Inspirational Posts

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  • Spain Travel Quotes
  • Inspirational Quotes in Spanish
  • Camino de Santiago Quotes
  • Solo Travel Quotes
  • Mediterranean Travel Quotes
150+ Best Spanish Captions for Instagram w/Translation (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.